
If you’ve been wondering how to inject your personal voice into your business but don’t even know where to start, I GOT YOU!

Adding personality to your business can sound daunting and down right scary but trust me, customers are going to figure you out one way or another. Spoiler alert: they love the dirty details and if you don’t let them in on them they might just give you a pass before they get to know how truly amazing you are. There is a power in human connection that can’t be duplicated with sales tactics / promotions. People are far more likely to trust a business that has a personality behind it that they fall in love with. That’s you!

Use this free cheat sheet to brainstorm some ‘uniquely you’ fun facts and inject them into your posts to add that crave worthy content your business needs.

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and PSSST – don’t think it stops there (I’m here to help with more freebies to come).