So why do we have google? what is it’s purpose in driving the internet? what is the original use (and still the number one use) for the internet?
People go to google and the internet for answers. Alway have and always will.
The most successful types of content online are those geared to answer a question or better, show people how to do something. How too topics, instructional step by step, tutorials, recipes, craft projects, diys, all fall under this category. Every brand can teach people something. You may not want to give away your entire process, but you can pick out those bits that the general public will want to know how it’s done. Once you become a teacher in your field, you are then an ambassador of your domain. You are the ‘go-to-guy’ for whatever you sell, make or do. People are also very curious beings. Giving them a glimpse of how you run your business or how a brand is made, gives them a sense of belonging.
This type of content is also a good way to keep up with the load of content needed and spreading it across all the channels. Once you write a blog post on a particular subject, it is easy to break down that content into smaller pieces to put on you other social media platforms. For example, you own a catering company. You write a post on how to make quick and easy beach inspired table centerpieces. That post can be shared on facebook in multiple ways – Post 1: beach inspired table centerpieces, 2: easy fish recipe that goes with the theme, 3: beach themed home parties, let us help. On your smaller platforms like twitter, instagram, pinterest, you can highlight each step over multiple days, tie it into a trend, show multiple other photos that did not make the cut to the blog post. Try to stretch the content from the blog over at least a week to make sure that posts get good exposure.
There are a few things you need to keep in mind when writing How too / instructional / tutorial posts :
1) Step by Step: you really have to remember that your reader is doing this for the first time. It’s also easier to see the process at a quick glance when its separated into steps. This is not the time for poetry, commentary can be at the beginning and the end of the post if you want to add some character to the writing.
2) Pictures: the best post have pictures of each step in the process. The written word can be chalked up to interpretation, but if you have pictures that depict what something is supposed to look like, it will make it easier. Plus you have a big chunk of the population that are visual learners.
3) Comments: listen to your readers comments, respond to them and start a conversation. Also, if you have written a tutorial on a particular subject, find other websites or blogs that are speaking on the same subject and comment on theirs referencing how you did yours slightly different (in a positive way “your tutorial looks great, I never thought of using glitter. I did a similar project but with blue paint.”). You will be surprised how many people go to your site because of comments.
4) YouTube: Video is taking over the how-too scene. If you can showcase your talents in YouTube you will be sure to see success. You can post your YouTube video on your website and other platforms the same as the written posts. If you have the time to do all three (video, written, pictures) you should have enough content to really push a subject to reach all readers.
Just think, you are reading this post to learn more about online content creation, you have chosen to look online for quick information. You potential customers and clients are doing the same.